The Benefits of Tallow

written by

Angela Bakker

posted on

January 5, 2025

I have fallen head over heels for all things tallow! 

Here's how my love began...

Early winter Baby Dahlia developed very cracked and dry skin. She was even bleeding a little on the tops of her wrists/hands. πŸ˜₯

My usual natural moisturizer just wasn't cutting it.

So I went to my trusted Weston A. Price for help. This is where I discovered the incredible healing properties of tallow. 

I immediately got to work, and with the help of Bumblebee Apothecary, I rendered my first batch of suet into tallow. Next I did an infusion of calendula flowers with jojoba oil and whipped up my first batch of tallow balm. 

It was only a few days and baby Dahlias dry, cracked skin was back to normal. I was so impressed with the results that I started using it as a body & face moisturizer for my dry sensitive skin. It left my face feeling silky smooth with a dewy, radiant glow. 

Here are a few interesting facts about Tallow:

Tallow is an exceptionally nourishing, vitamin-rich form of pure rendered animal fat. 

In times prior to the widespread adoption of synthetic chemicals and artificial ingredients in skincare, tallow was a significant component of the skincare products created and utilized by our ancestors. 

Tallow contains elevated levels of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, and K, in a balanced combination with their respective activators, which greatly contribute to skin and overall health. Notably, grass-fed tallow is particularly rich in Vitamin E- four times more than that found in grain-fed cows- as well as conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) known for its anti-inflammatory properties, and palmitoleic acid, which possesses natural antimicrobial benefits. 

  • Vitamin A β€“ plays a critical role in promoting the production of collagen, elastin, and healthy skin cells, while also reinforcing tissue to maintain skin firmness, smoothness, and a youthful appearance. Additionally, it aids in the healing of various skin conditions, ranging from acne to signs of aging. 
  • Vitamin D β€“ is essential for the development, repair, metabolism, and immune function of skin cells. It also protects and rejuvenates the skin by guarding against free radicals that contribute to premature aging. 
  • Vitamin K β€“ is vital for maintaining skin tone, texture, and overall health. It has soothing properties that alleviate skin inflammation and irritations while promoting an expedited healing process. 
  • Vitamin E β€“ serves as a potent antioxidant that not only repairs but also mitigates damage caused by free radicals. Additionally, it deeply hydrates the skin and enhances its appearance by promoting healing. 

Tallow is highly effective in enhancing skin cell health due to its composition, which is remarkably similar to that of human skin. The membranes of our cells primarily consist of fatty acids, over 50% of which are saturated fats. Tallow contains approximately 50% saturated fats, with the rest being monosaturated fats. This compatibility with our cellular biology makes tallow a powerful source of nourishment for cell health. 

Moreover, the beneficial effects of tallow on skin health are further demonstrated by its resemblance to sebum, the oily and waxy substance that moisturizes, lubricates, and protects the skin. Sebum is even translated to β€œtallow” in Latin!

With that being said, I am thrilled to introduce a brand new addition to our pasture raised offerings:

Tallow Cleansing Balm


Tallow Face & Body Balm


I can't wait for you to try it and experience the incredible healing properties of Tallow!

For more information on using tallow on the skin -->Traditional Nourishing and Healing Skin Care

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