Red Fife Heritage Wheat Berries 25 Kg

Red Fife Heritage Wheat Berries 25 Kg

25 Kg

If you want to bake with flour that has the highest nutrient value and taste, consider milling your own flour. Freshness is key. Studies have shown that once grains are milled, their nutritional value and flavour decreases immediately. Buying freshly milled flour can be expensive overtime. The best practical and economical long-term solution would be to purchase a home mill and mill your own fresh flour. This way you have complete control over your grain, your blend, your grind and you get the fantastic qualities of fresh flour.

There are many table top mills now available on the market that are fast and easy to use. A few we recommend are the Wondermill and the Komo. Fieldstone Organics in BC is a Canadian Distributor of both. Click here for pricing and desciptions.