Maple Glazed Hamsteaks

written by

Angela Bakker

posted on

November 29, 2022


What I like about this recipe is that it is a quick and easy way to prepare a ham. The ham steak is simply brushed with this glaze while being fried in the pan. The glaze is a combination of just a few ingredients—maple syrup, apple cider vinegar, and Dijon mustard.


1 package of Jubilee Ham Steaks
¼ cup maple syrup
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard


In a small bowl mix together maple syrup, vinegar, and Dijon mustard.

Heat a large skillet to medium heat. Brush some of the glazes onto one side of the ham steak and place glazed side down into the skillet.

Brush some of the glazes on top of the ham steak. Cook over medium heat, turning frequently and brushing with the glaze until cooked through and the glaze has thickened.

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